排障过程:让客户提供一个vpn测试帐号,发现报障情况属实。查看Netscreen-Remote Log Viewer中的日志,如下:
09:59:03.375 My Connections\ - Initiating IKE Phase 1 (IP ADDR=
09:59:03.406 My Connections\ - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK AG (SA, KE, NON, ID, VID, VID, VID, VID)
09:59:03.546 My Connections\ - RECEIVED<<< ISAKMP OAK AG (SA, VID, VID, VID, VID, KE, NON, ID, HASH, VID, NAT-D, NAT-D)
09:59:03.546 My Connections\ - Peer is NAT-T capable
09:59:03.546 My Connections\ - NAT is detected for Client
09:59:03.562 My Connections\ - Established IKE SA09:59:03.562 MY COOKIE de ce 78 0 81 58 21 bc
09:59:03.562 HIS COOKIE 7a ff b1 c1 c7 37 c1 31
09:59:03.656 My Connections\ - RECEIVED<<< ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR)
09:59:09.343 My Connections\ - RECEIVED<<< ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(Retransmission)
09:59:15.343 My Connections\ - RECEIVED<<< ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(Retransmission)
09:59:18.015 My Connections\ - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR)
09:59:18.109 My Connections\ - RECEIVED<<< ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR)
09:59:18.109 My Connections\ - Received Private IP Address = IP ADDR=
09:59:18.109 My Connections\ - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR)
09:59:18.203 My Connections\ - RECEIVED<<< ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR)
09:59:18.203 My Connections\ - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR)
09:59:18.203 My Connections\ - Initiating IKE Phase 2 with Client IDs (message id: BF484846)09:59:18.203 Initiator = IP ADDR=, prot = 0 port = 0
09:59:18.203 Responder = IP SUBNET/MASK=, prot = 0 port = 0
09:59:18.203 My Connections\ - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(HASH, SA, NON, ID, ID)
09:59:33.875 My Connections\ - QM re-keying timed out (message id: BF484846). Retry count: 1
09:59:33.875 My Connections\ - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(Retransmission)
09:59:48.875 My Connections\ - QM re-keying timed out (message id: BF484846). Retry count: 2
09:59:48.875 My Connections\ - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(Retransmission)
10:00:03.875 My Connections\ - QM re-keying timed out (message id: BF484846). Retry count: 310:00:03.875 My Connections\ - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(Retransmission)
10:00:18.875 My Connections\ - Exceeded 3 re-keying attempts (message id: BF484846)
从日志中可看出IKE Phase 1已成功完成(红色加显),IKE Phase 2未完成(蓝色加显)。
2008-02-20 09:56:11 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 2 msg ID
<a29ebdc9>: Negotiations have failed.
2008-02-20 09:56:11 system info 00536 Rejected an IKE packet on ethernet1/1
from to with cookies
462e118477c5ab9c and 99453c6c6b16eb87
because the VPN does not have an
application SA configured.
2008-02-20 09:56:11 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 2: No policy
exists for the proxy ID received:
local ID (<>/<>,
<0>, <0>) remote ID (<>/
<>, <0>, <0>).
2008-02-20 09:56:11 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 2 msg ID
<a29ebdc9>: Responded to the peer's
first message.
2008-02-20 09:56:11 system info 00536 IKE<>: XAuth login was
passed for gateway <VPN_Gateway>,
username <testuser>, retry: 0, Client
IP Addr<>, IPPool name:
<VPN_POOL>, Session-Timeout:<0s>,
2008-02-20 09:56:00 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received initial
contact notification and removed Phase
1 SAs.
2008-02-20 09:56:00 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: Completed
Aggressive mode negotiations with a
<28800>-second lifetime.
2008-02-20 09:56:00 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: Completed
for user <testuser>.
2008-02-20 09:56:00 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received initial
contact notification and removed Phase
2 SAs.
2008-02-20 09:56:00 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received a
notification message for DOI <1>
2008-02-20 09:56:00 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: IKE
responder has detected NAT in front of
the remote device.
2008-02-20 09:56:00 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: Responder
starts AGGRESSIVE mode negotiations.
从VPN服务器日志中可查看到更为详细的说明,从日志中可看出IKE Phase 1已成功完成(红色加显),IKE Phase 2未完成(蓝色加显),并对Phase 2未完成原因进行了描述。
VPN-SERVER-> get policy
Total regular policies 1, Default deny.
ID From To Src-address Dst-address Service Action State ASTLCB
1 dialup Trust Dial-Up VPN appserver appservice Tunnel enabled ---X-X
从上面可知,系统中只有一条policy,状态为启用(enabled)。同时也可知道这是一个拨号型VPN。查看VPN服务器中的Dst-address跟Netscreen-Remote客户端中的Remote Party Identity and Addressing设置是否相同:
VPN-SERVER-> get address trust name appserver
Name Address/Prefix-length Flag Comments
appserver 0200
从上面可知,VPN服务器Dst-address与Netscreen-Remote中的Remote Party Identity and Addressing设置的完全匹配。接着来查看VPN服务器Policy中的Service:
VPN-SERVER-> get service appservice
Name: appservice
Category: other ID: 0 Flag: User-defined
Transport Src port Dst port ICMPtype,code Timeout(min) Application
tcp 0/65535 80/80 30
tcp 0/65535 1222/1223 30
tcp 0/65535 2233/2234 30
tcp 0/65535 2344/2345 30
tcp 0/65535 23/23 30
可以发现,放开的服务中并没有ping(ICMP type:8,code:0),增加ping:
VPN-SERVER->set service "appservice" + icmp type 8 code 0
故障解决,业务恢复正常。难道Juniper Netscreen配置xauth vpn时,一定要放开ping服务才能成功建立vpn连接?请高手指教。
客户端:Netscreen Remote 8.0.0(Build 14)
VPN服务器:Netscreen ISG-1000 (Software Version: 5.3.0r10.0, Type: Firewall+VPN)